Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lovin the hot tub!!

Our kids Love Love Love the Hot tub! I think if we were to ever move or ours broke down there would be some major fits, Aaron and I included! In fact I really don't think we could live without it. We would probably have to save up and buy a new one Super fast!

In the winter we love it and in the summer we turn the temp down and the kids swim in it. They have friends over and go from the slip n slide to the hot tub to the trampoline. They totally have a blast! And Yes...we go through alot of chemicals in the summer trying to keep that thing clean all the time.

Kylee used to wake up in the morning and point to her drawer that has her swimming suit in it. Now she's old enough to get it out herself or go and get mine. It's like she has nothing else on her mind. Kobe and Aaron have competitions to see who can hold their breath the longest. I'm no match for Kobe, Man.... can that kid hold his breath- No Joke!! They love to play King Kong and wrestle each other until all the waters on the outside of the hot tub instead of the inside.

We love it, and love that the kids love it!! Please don't ever die on us Mr. hot tub!