Sunday, January 24, 2010

Poor Tripp!!

Last Tuesday was the dreaded day for Tripp. We decided to get him neutered. Aaron took him in at 7:30am and picked him up that night. I called Aaron when he was on his way home and could hear Tripp in the background whining like crazy. When they got home, Tripp just kept walking around like a old man. Either he was ticked at us for taking away his manhood, or because he was in alot of pain. Kobe hasn't asked to many questions, thank goodness. I just told him Tripp had to get surgery and to be very careful picking him up because he had to get stitches. He was really concerned for Tripp but never inquired further. Tripp's had a hard time getting used to the cone around his head. The Doctor said he has to wear it for 10 days. It's hilarious to watch him play fetch because he has a hard time figuring out how to pick the ball up off the ground with the cone in the way, he goes crazy trying! He always comes to us when he needs itching around the ears because he can't quite get to it with the cone in the way. Anyways he's still as fun as ever and hopefully when the cone comes off he'll forgive us and forget it ever happened!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Not sure if I'm "Blogging Material" but here it goes!!

Me, Laurie and Keith, Ready to BuNGeE JuMp!!!!

Me, Fabi, Kevin and my two cute nephews with another on the way!!
Me, Laurie and Brian

So I'm finally doing it! After promising for months now, I decided to start a blog. I guess it finally hit me when a couple months ago my Mom and Dad, brother, sister and Grandma came down to see me. Then the week after I went to Canada with my sister Laurie to see some more brothers and a sister. It had been years since I had seen some of them and met nieces and nephews I hadn't met before (super cute by the way). It's really really sad, I know. I guess that's what you get coming from such a large family and being so spread apart in distance. It was fun to See Keith and Angela's triplets. They are so cute and so good. I guess that's because Keith and Angela are so on top of things. I'm sad I never got a picture of my sister Tam and her cute girls, man have they ever grown up fast! I had such an awesome time and was so sad to leave everyone. I decided I better start blogging to keep us a little more in touch with family and friends far away, and those who are close that can't get enough of us!!!