Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Note to self....Repellent a MUST!!!

So I'm not sure how many have heard this story about Kobe, but one day last summer I had gotten a babysitter while I ran out for a couple hours. While gone, Kobe decided to ride his bike down the hill up the street. He wasn't wearing a helmet and as he came around a corner someone had left there lemonade stand on the sidewalk and Kobe ran SmAcK into it wiping out. When I got home I checked his head out and there was no visible marks or bumps and he was acting totally normal so I concluded he was fine.

Later that afternoon he said he had a bump on his head that was kinda hurting...it was small...not to big. Well that night he was jumping on the tramp with some friends when I noticed his head. IT WAS HUGE! The bump on the side of his head had grown to the size of a baseball. It really made me gasp.

Thinking it was delayed swelling or something from wrecking on his bike we decided to play it safe and we took him into the Insta Care. They couldn't believe the size of his head and right away told us we needed to take him to the emergency room. Mean while Kobe is still acting totally normal and fine. No Fever....nothing. They do all these tests including a CT scan, and are unable to figure out what was wrong. Later that night as the swelling went down we noticed it was a bug bite! That D#$% Mosquito cost us $1200 bucks!!
So long story short..... This is how Kobe woke up the other morning. Poor Guy, he sure takes a beating from those mosquito's.